Thursday, March 19, 2009

Marriage and Networking - Bring Your Own Happy!

I recently caught part of a program about successful marriages where the host said that most people get divorced because they're 'not happy.' And, they truly believe that it is/was their spouse's job to make them happy. Talk about setting yourself up for failure. This host went on to say that, while it can manifest itself in several ways, what happens when a marriage falls apart is that one or both people became selfish. WOW! That makes perfect sense. It becomes all about them and what what the other person is doing (or not doing) for them. Well, I've always been a believer that in life you have to bring your own happy. No one else can do that for you...and what a horrible burden to put upon someone you are supposed to care about and love. What's worse is there is no way that other person can actually do it. Because if you're not a happy're gonna stay that way until you figure out how to make yourself happy.

Small business owners often fall into the same trap with networking. They go to an event and hand out a few cards. Then they sit back and wait for someone to call them and make them successful (i.e. happy). Guess what? That isn't going to work. And that's not networking! Certainly networking is about building strong, trusting relationships with people who want you to be successful. But, they can't make you's not their job (they already have a job). And having the expectation that someone else is going to build your business is setting everyone up for failure and disappointment.

Small business networking is about being proactive in your success, not waiting for business to call you on the phone. So, when you go to your next networking event, be sure you have a strategic plan: set a goal for how many people you want to meet, ask those people about their business goals, give out your card only if asked, and then challenge yourself to follow up with those people you met in a timely manner. Don't buy into the myth that you have to send a handwritten can call, email, send a card or text if you're both into that. It's just about following up. That's when you start to build the relationship that will lead to business and success down the road. That business may not be directly from them, but a referral through them to your ideal client (which is even better). But that only happens when you bring your own happy and remember you get to control your success.

If you want more information on the impact of follow up and staying in touch with your contact sphere - email me at

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