Monday, March 2, 2009

You can't get a haircut over the phone!

It's true! You can't get a haircut over the phone. You might get recommendations over the phone; you could get directions to the salon over the phone - or as most of us do these days - on mapquest. But the actual haircut...for that you've gotta show up! I love the simplicity of this statement, because it makes you say, "Well, duh!" But, when we look at it more closely, we realize how we miss that very simple concept in other areas - areas like networking.

Many of us, myself included, are online social networking users, okay borderline addicts. In fact, I'd be surprised if anyone reading this blog wasn't on at least two networks: Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Biznik...the list goes on. And, as I said, I'm there with you...on all of them (well I'm going to drop MySpace, but that's another blog). So, before I go any further, let me state here and now that I love the concept of online networking and see the value and benefits. I have no plans to stop using them. HOWEVER...are you ready for this? Online networks are not enough. Sure, you can see how many friends you can get, join causes, and post video links and photos. You can even send messages, leave comments and meet people (sort of). But, you cannot truly build strong relationships without meeting face to face.

Let's go back to the haircut. Even if you posted a photo of yourself needing a hair cut and a stylist uploaded a video of themselves giving a great would still have split ends and your bangs would be too long. You won't get the look you want until you sit in the chair. Networking is the need to meet someone, shake their hand, look them in the eye and really get to know them. That's when you begin to build trust and after the trust is when the work begins to come your way.

Real networking is a contact've got to get in the game. Forget about becoming a master networker from the comfort of your computer. It ain't gonna happen. So, absolutely, get onto one of the social networking sites, get a profile, connect with friends and join groups. But...look for the events that are posted as well, mark your calendar and get out there. It's those people who make the extra effort to show up who are truly successful. Anyone who's ever hosted an event knows that people who RSVP and actually show up are indeed welcomed and appreciated (and introduced to new people). And, think about this: Who are you more likely to refer to...the expert you chatted with for 20 minutes at a chamber mixer or the online person who keeps sending you updates about their kid eating chapstick?

Your goal for this week? Attend an in-person business or networking event that gets you away from your computer and in front of potential clients. In my next blog - I'll give you some great NETWORKING DON'TS to keep you on track at the event.

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